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Monday, 21 October 2013

The Siberian Tiger

The snow is white, crinkled, hugging empty branches. I sit, steady and solid, warmed up by my fluffy winter coat. I am waiting.
Across the vast tundra of whiteness I spy a movement. Yes, there, in a copse, behind an evergreen tree. There again, a scrape, a momentary flicker of orange and black, tricky to pick out against the woods but unmistakable if you know what to look for.
I creep closer and as I do so, the figure also stops. This giant, magnificent cat with ice blue eyes and haughty demeanour shows me his teeth. He shakes his mighty head and does not bother with a roar because he knows his own power already. Not today, his gaze says as he stares into my soul.
We share the same earth, now and forever.

As he pads off into the trees I wonder whether we all have a tiger within us.

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