This ain't a poem or nuffink like that
It's sumffink I'm ffinking sat here in me chair
It's not real levver, it's falling apart
But it's comfy, I like it, it's goin nowhere.
This is my ffink wot I've ffunked most today:
"I'm sat here all sad and it's doin no good,
Me hair's gone all flat and me face has gone grey,
Cos anuvver week's passed in a dumbfounded mood,
I've gone to me work and I've done ffings, I spose,
But nuffink seems all that important no more."
It ain't all that much to report, mate, I know,
But that's wot I ffinked since I ffunk stuff before:
Imagine one day I might squeeze out a laff,
All I can do is look fforward to that.
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