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Sunday 14 October 2018

Whoops Oedipocalypse

Oedipus Rex
Whipped off his kecks
And plopped the thing between his legs
Into his wife,
Which they both liked
So they did it night after night.

He was the king;
He beat the sphinx.
He solved the riddle she’d asked him:
Once voice, one life
But who at times
Has four, then two, then three feet nigh?

Knew it was man
And smugly gave his answer back.
He was correct.
And off he went
To marry Queen Jocasta next.

The couple did
What couples did
As then, as now: they had four kids.
They all survived
As Thebes thrived
Until plague struck the city’s lives.

The Oracle
At Delphi knew
How to hold off the city’s doom.
King Laius lost,
His killer must
Be brought to justice. Oedipus

Sought counsel through
A prophet, who
Let slip that Laius, in his tomb,
Lay dead because
Out in the dust
Our Oedipus had bashed him up.

It came out that
He’d killed his dad.
He didn’t know, because he had
Been stitched up:
Been brought up
By Polybus and not killed off

Which was the plan.
But a herdsman
Had saved the baby way back. And
Jocasta cried.
Jocasta died.
And Oedi poked out his own eyes.

Oedipus Rex
From birth was hexed.
His life laid out, his future wrecked.
Was he to blame?
Could he have changed
The world once things were put in place?

Laius was
A filthy sod
Who’d cut holes in his little lad
Just cause some fool
Had said: Whoa, dude,
This baby’s gonna, like, kill you

Justice was served:
Laius deserved
All that befell him, all we’ve heard.
A twisted tale
Of love that failed
Of death and weirdness, lives curtailed.

Oedipus Rex
Took off his kecks
And put the thing between his legs
Into another,
And discovered
He was a fucking motherfucker.

Moral: If a weird dude tells you that your newly-born son is going to one day kill you, don’t leave him out on a mountain where anyone could find him. In fact, tell the weird dude to piss off and bring the kid up yourself so he knows right from wrong. Jesus, I mean. Come on.

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