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Sunday 21 October 2018

AMWAT: Stockholm Syndrome

I can't help but like our Director of Football from his interviews. This one, for example, he comes across as pretty articulate and honestly committed to the club.

I mean, his signings have nearly all been pretty excellent over the last few years.

But the problem was never on the pitch was it? Until now, at least.

It's a strange old situation this isn't it. Very strange indeed.

Ay carumba. Amidst all the absolute nonsense maybe this can be turned around yet.

Can it?

Or have I had too much Henry Westons?

Is there such a thing as too much Henry Westons? I mean. It's not exactly Frosty Fucking Jack is it. This shit is tasty. Henry Westons was clearly made from actual apples, rather than counting as cider because one of the cousins of one of the workers in whatever chemical plant they mix Frosty Jack in once saw a magazine article about Apple Computers. I like to think of it as Trampagne. But then that makes me a hypocrite doesn't it, given the amount of Frosty's I've drunk over the years. Although the seventh post here makes me a bit worried.


I just realised I said 'our' again in that first sentence.

Once your team has got you it's for life really isn't it.

I am very confused at the moment.

I started with Jack and I'll end up in the shit one way or another I guess. Selah.

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