I don't remember this band but I found this press release from 2003 on Spank Press. So clearly we were working with them at the time. Equally clearly, I'd been at the empathy sweets around this time, such is the overwritten nature of the prose. But I like it.
Unabashed and unafraid of songwriting with soul; where music means love and hate and longing and loathing and life and liberty; where White Rabbits keep watch, scurrying back and forth in a haze of immaculate Independence and searching only for the portal through which to communicate with honesty; thus eviscerating those fraudulent manipulators who would have you believe that pop is a crime.
Ω = Resistance
Resistance to the frumious despicable gurn of manufactured, masturbatory flappers and slappers driven through TV to cackle and dull naked musical synapses. An insidious real-life worm in the blackened hearts of those who are convinced that the way to truly heal the world is by smothering creativity in a blanket of homogeny.
Ω = Mark. Max. Randall. Phillip. Adam.
A five piece falcon; a blossom of beloved tunesmithery; pristine performers; perfect programmers; prophets of passion over passivity; the grit in the oyster that becomes a pearl? The crown of quality their only concession to the subservient Industry that would presume to punish people who dare to delight in song; a kick against the pricks who seek to demote intelligence to scrabbling for scraps within the mulch of the murdered and broken-backed multitude.
With tours of Germany and the UK allied to a conviction that music and life are conjoined; with an Internet portal where enmity evaporates in the relentless redemption of the sharing of ideas, ideals; giving context to content; where the fluidity of visceral vision is the only law; with dignity the gateway to an ever-changing truth. Saviours of pop? Haven’t you got it yet?