Buy me a coffee

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Criminally Bad

After months of meticulous planning I sprang into action

and kidnapped Randall, the tycoon, from his fifth mansion.

I bundled him into the back of the car and gagged him quite tightly

and took him to a remote Scottish location.

From that craggy, windy hideout I put the word out

that I had Randall, and made it known there was a ransom.

A million pounds, no more, no less. And I would return him

unharmed and I would disappear forever too.

That night, I took a call from someone using a voice changing box

so they sounded like the teacher in Charlie Brown cartoons.

They said: we will pay you two million pounds

so ask no questions and we will make the exchange

we know where you are and who you are

withdraw that ransom demand and the money is yours

Anyway it turned out that Randall had been waiting for me

the whole time as he had wanted to get the hell out of Dodge for ages

So I got paid well and discreetly, and off he popped in a hovercraft

and was never seen again. Everyone thinks he's dead, and he likes it that way.

Some time passed, and over a period of several months I’d managed

to finagle my way into the select inner circle of the widow Albertini.

Nouveau riche, I was, after a fashion. In fact, the rumours were

that I had invented some kind of new style of belt that had

swept the Milan catwalks that season. Well. I didn’t ever deny it.

I knew she was prone to sleeping alone and I meant to take her

and so I finessed my plan: I mapped out her nightly routine

and after a certain party I hid in the disabled toilet, waiting for the

automatic light to flicker off. I’d never been so still in my life.

And, oh, the cramp. But that’s part of the job isn’t it.

When everyone had gone home, I padded up the staff stairs, like a guilty housecat.

I stalked close to the wall to avoid setting off any alarms,

And eventually I very gently turned the handle to her bedroom.

There she was, the glorious widow Albertini, lightly snoring

under silk sheets, partly lit by a generous lovers’ moon.

I approached the bed. She turned over, gasped herself half-awake

and, without directly looking at me, peeled back the sheet

and with an elegant palm patted the space next to her.

I got in, willingly, and was Big Spoon that night, and it was lovely.

Anyway I think she’s my girlfriend now.

The Glittering Eye of Kazakh is the biggest, most flawless ruby ever found

and it was on rare display at the National Museum. Well, obviously

I put a daring plan in place, and abseiled down in the middle of the night

from the skylight, and disabled the laser-light grid around it, and replaced the Eye

with a very carefully-crafted replica of equal weight, size and more-or-less similar carat.

I mean, this thing cost me a bloody bomb. It was a thing of beauty in itself.

But against the Real Eye it was – to an expert – a piece of dog mess.

Thing is, most people weren’t experts so once I’d made the exchange nobody noticed,

and if the experts had noticed, they weren’t letting on. It was too embarassing

for them to acknowledge that their failsafe system had been so easily breached.

They’d said it was un-stealable. And so life went on as it was before

and people paid to come and see the ersatz Eye, and said oooo and aaaah

because my jewellery man had done such a wonderful job.

So now I was stuck with the Glittering Eye of Kazakh. I couldn’t sell it.

Nobody believed it was the real one. And those who did believe it was the real one

wouldn’t admit it, because that made them in some way complicit.

So I used it to prop the shed door closed and forgot about it.

A year or so later, someone broke into my shed and stole my lawnmower.

The Eye was untouched of course. I was really gutted about the whole thing

because it was a really good Flymo, and had those ace blades

that were sturdy and sharp enough to get incredibly consistent edging

whilst being flexible enough to slip over stones and snails without getting damaged.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

She Kept A Bald Distance

In the early frost her breath became both solid and ionised

So she hid in the garbagey alley behind the launderette

Waiting for the warmth

If the dryers were on

But it made her cough buckets of phlegm so then she was chased off

She kept a bald distance when she followed the urban foxes

Cause they knew all the routes to the best restaurants on their patch

Waiting for her turn

To rummage the bins

And from time to time morsels of scrapings and pork rinds were hers

She lived in the cracks of the pavement where nobody noticed

Devoid of identity, she’d forgotten all she had lost

Yet she carried on

Compelled somehow

Maybe the next penny she picked up would give her the luck

Discarded, diminished, despondent she watched as the pubs kicked out

And tried to shrink deeper inside her self lest she be seen

Cause last time had hurt

It had really hurt

And she lay there so thirsty and broken she could cry no more

Days, years went by and she trudged without destination

She gazed at her twisted reflection in broken-glass shards

As she writhed and spewed

She smiled cause she knew

Life was the only disease for which the cure was worse

When her memory left her she was born anew without expectation

When her hope and her purpose died she lived only for now

So she staggered on

Questioning nothing

And forgot her own name and grew wings and flew into the sun

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Our Dumb Legacy

If man had machines that could reach the next life

We'd use them to steal lead from St. Peter’s gates

If God and his cohort looked down from the clouds

We'd set aim our crossbows and shoot them all down

If the cherubs and seraphim walked amongst men

We'd hunt them and hound them and corrupt their flesh

If a heavenly choir caressed at our ears

We'd claw them and scratch them and drink of their tears

If man conquered death we would never be free

We are just not equipped to cheat mortality

We stand on new planets, find new galaxies

And foul them with virus. Our stain stinks and seeps.

This is our story. Our monstrosity.

It’s only a crime if we deign it to be.

This is our glory. Our dumb legacy.

But thine is the consequence eternally.

Sunday, 4 December 2022


A fatal explosion

A life in shards

Derangement, confusion

A shattered mind

Nothing fits together

how it should

I don’t even remember

how it did

Fix me


Make gold of my scars

Fix me


My cicatrix pride







this is not linear

it never was

some days I have them

all at once

In truth we grieve

for ourselves just as much

those shards spin loose

in the aftermath of loss

Fix me


Make gold of my scars

Fix me


My cicatrix pride

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

When We Was Young, We Didn't Complain


Who remembers

ice on the inside of the windows

no central heating

knitted blankets not quilts

we thought an eiderdown was a brand of cider

Who remembers

two channels on the telly

and a remote control

was the youngest member

of the family, getting up to change channels

We didn’t have computers

an Apple Mac was a Scottish fruit

A PC was a

look fuck off ok it was SHIT


Things have got materially better

so fuck off with this arse-headed nostalgia

for times when people were fucking cold and hungry

and had fewer options

and you're posting it on fucking FACEBOOK you

- and if I can use an ancient, nostalgic word here I will -


Sunday, 13 November 2022

Ta-ta Lizzie

Wel, ta-ta i Lizzie; nos da, missus cwin

O’r diwedd dach chi’n cysgu mewn twll hollol din

Ond William, a Charlie: os ymwelwch ni

fydd na chroeso mor gynnes yn aros i chi

Byddwch yn ofalus, bois, efo’r investiures drwm

Danom ni’n cracio lawr am ail gastelli ddyddiau hwn

Dim Tywysog i fi dach chi; dim cwin, dim brenin chwaith

Wnaeth sglyfaethion chi dim erioed dysgu un gair o’r iaith

A ffycia’r TorĂ¯aid, y bradwyr mor hyll.

Dim Brydeiniol dwi i; nid Cymry am byth;

Neu Ewroipianwr – dwi’n dod o’r byd

Dim ond ddamwain o eni sy’n wahanem ni.

Yn y diwedd, fydd neb yn cofio eich fflag,

ond y pethau ch wedi gwneud; o dda neu yn ddrwg.

Ar y gwely marw mae 'na un peth sy’n wir:

o’r ddaear dan ni’n dod, ac yn nol fyddwn ni.

Cliciwch yma am Fideo

Friday, 11 November 2022


There was a boy named Gordon

His family had no money

He fought all day for anything

To fill his hungry belly

One fateful night he walked the streets

Searching for scraps of change

Just to buy something to eat

Or he would surely die

The rain was pounding down that night

Like ice swords from the sky

Gordon trudged through puddles like

He didn’t want his life

The hours yawned on. The boy was weak

He no longer could go on:

His hope was gone. The world was bleak.

He sheltered by some bins

The stench was overpowering

And Gordon ebbed away

It was no use. He was done in

No food again, today.

Thursday, 10 November 2022


we thought the future was -

our future was -


in all of the colours -

all our colours -


we didn’t realise that

this was because

we were burning ourselves to plasma

staring at the forever

that the glowing dust

sizzling the air

was borne on a sickening miasma

each breath a dying ember


- all our colours -

all of those colours fizzling


for a future

we fought, and lost.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

On Right, on the right, and what is left; and what is Left.

The confident Tory

knows that winning is all

that owning the libs online

is worth any amount of fuckery

is worth losing the NHS

is worth having people in charge

who are:






actual morons


without empathy



and all the rest of it.

It matters not if they are immoral

even less if what they do is right

or correct for the country

or other countries

because owning the libs online

and winning elections

and spouting propaganda that is palpably false


The unsure on the left

worry that they are wrong

that they are offending someone

that language is used improperly.

That the left cannot disagree

without splintering and shattering

that centrists are bad

that mild social democracy is communism

that if we don’t agree on every tiny thing

then we cannot agree on any big thing.

This matters a hell of a lot to the left

who look at the Tories and their confidence

and extract entirely the incorrect message

thus we get people in charge

who are:


I mean, there’s decades of evidence

and it never fucking works anyway.

The centre-left to the left itself

put ideological purity

above solidarity

put idealism

above pragmatism.

Fucking hell.

Who else is exhausted?

I’ve seen it too many times

to even try anymore.

Monday, 24 October 2022

Katzenmusik - Spaceship Earth

 Listen here to the full song (click)

Seven billion passengers on Spaceship Earth

and the psychopaths are always in charge

Taking all the credit for the things that are good

and when they fuck it up the fault is all ours

I’m gonna take it funky


Make them beg for mercy like a jonesing junkie

I’ll hurt them

Pervert them

Burn them into cinders with their precious fucking money


Just watch me

Dirty motherfuckers with their noses in troughs

and their hands stealing bread out our mouths

They privatise their granny for another gram of coke

spouting slogans right out of their arse

I’m gonna make them hate me

Fight me

Turn around and show them just exactly where to bite me

And trust this

Is justice

Service with a sneer and a side order of fuckery, yeah

How many knocks do you have to take before you fight back?

Before you crack?

Well now

Nobody’s ever solved this shit or even come close

but the bastards always end up on top

Did you ever wonder why the mad ones break big

why they keep on cracking nuts on your skull

Fight back at the liars

With fire

String them up from garages with rusty fucking wire

Rise up

Don’t shut up

It ain’t like this, if that’s what we desire


Seven billion passengers on Spaceship Earth

and the psychopaths are always in charge

How many knocks do you have to take before you fight back?

Before you crack?

Friday, 30 September 2022


I walk past the car showroom and garage most days.

Often I look in the window at the muscle car for 30k

or the vintage Ford for 30k

and think:

Well, I ain’t a car freak or a petrolhead or anything

but they’re pretty damn smart to look at.

I also say this about the bloke on the mobility scooter

who has added a hard shell to it to protect from rain.

That’s bloody ace, too.

So that’s the extent of what I know about cars.

Today I had a little glance at the cars on display,

and a little worm from in my brain

waved at me

And reminded me that no matter what I think

I’m very unlikely to afford anything like that.

I don’t mind too much, I suppose. I’m not bitter

about it. I’ve had jobs that paid a lot, and been skint at times.

There’s not much I can do.

I don’t know why that worm came and chatted.

I don’t mind the concept that these things are out of reach -

at least for me -

I think.

I used to drive a little automatic Honda Integra

til that overheated and got scrapped.

Then I drove a horrible little piece of crap

which conked out when my friend put the battery back

the wrong way around.

I’ve never really wanted to have a massive house.

Just something nice and cosy and clean is OK.

It’s easy to say

these things

don’t matter to me. That they are, only, things

whether you have them or you do not.

But looking at the cars on the showroom floor

I know for sure I’m never going to stride in there

And drive one home.

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

I Am Gibbon

I am gibbon

spidered and sprung

frenetic and young

instinct shows me

every path through

the treetops

I vocalise

it is joy it is joy

it is freedom and joy

but my whoops

find no echoes

and so dim

But I am gibbon

Don’t say don’t look down

I have no use for ground

I wish to swing

forward swinging


My sharp throat

crackles dry crackles dry

parched soul wrung out dry



when will I fall

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Katzenmusik - Ghost Bus

Listen to the full song by clicking here.

This is the true story of how a man left his soul

and everything he knew

in the middle of the road

on a ghost bus

in the verdant Shropshire landscape

and nothing was ever the same again:

he could not come back from that.

First we gotta rewind a little bit.

It’s rare that people love their work. Their job.

Rarer than it should be

but that’s how it goes.

We’re chasing someone else’s dream

and that ain’t healthy for anyone.

But sometimes, sometimes things just click

your colleagues are beautiful souls,

or idiots, and hopefully both.

And what you do, what you do with your day

is help other people realise

they can achieve something.

Cause by now we all know that the tiniest victory

is a timeless victory.

That seeing a light click on behind someone’s eyes

illuminates the universe.

In cosmic time, that’s nothing.

In eternity, it is everything.

And that’s how it had been that day

And our man’s soul was full.

He was proud that he could help.

He was a librarian

and he had started to realise

the history and the power of that.

But then he had to come back.

He stepped onto the ghost bus.

And sat down. And listened to a comedy podcast.

Then his phone buzzed and jumped in his pocket

and as he slid the touchscreen to ‘answer call’

his heart sank to his boots

and he heard what had happened

and he did not know how to react.

The ghost bus stopped at the crossroads

But there was no devil there

to offer a deal

Or to suggest a game of cards

that would somehow bring

his brother back

Because there was no comeback.

Cause there is no comeback.

You don’t come back from that.

And all our man had known til then

seeped out and was lost

sunk into the squidgy tarmac

of a beautiful summer’s day.

But it was not beautiful

and nothing ever could be again.

Not in the same way as it was.

How do you come back from that?

How do you come back from that?

You cannot come back from that.

The ghost bus docked in the ghost station

and our man floated somehow home

the world around him fuzzy

confusing and not yet sad,

because he could not, would not,

and still never will,

accept that his brother had gone.

But the coffin said differently.

And he knew there was no coming back.

Years pass. And, what else should they do?

There’s no meaning left

when all you can do is stand

and watch yourself enervate

and feel your dreams dessicate.

Years just pass. Years just pass.

And our man knew one thing

and one thing only:

one day it would be his time too.

And there would be no coming back.

You cannot come back from that.

And he welcomed the fact.

And he looked forward to that.

Friday, 9 September 2022

Keep your mouth shut, Joe. Keep it shut.

 As a mark of respect

I won't say how strange it is

that a heart charity

and a disaster aid charity

both have signs up that say

 "As a mark of respect

we won't be opening our doors."

(So if your heart is dicky

or you're in trouble medically

you'll just have to wait for a day)

 As a mark of respect

I won't say what I think

I am told I should grieve

I am told to believe

That state funerals must be paid

  As a mark of respect

I won't say how it feels

When they cancel all sport

And Facebook's wall to wall

With performative lickspittle whores.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Art Brut at the Paradiso, Amsterdam (2004)

  An ace few days away and a fucking awesome punk gig at a great venue. I do regret one thing, which was not joining in the post-gig revelry with the band. But that's one hell of another story, and you won't hear it from me.

Art Brut

Amsterdam Paradiso

Sat 13th November 2004

Frontman Eddie Argos may be dressed something like a supply teacher, all cotton-trousers and sketchy shirt, and he may stagger a little on his feet; but when he and his colleagues smash out a set of such vibrancy, such sartorial misdemeanours are instantly forgiven. The upstairs room of the Paradiso is a curious blend of Londoners and Lowlanders, brought together for this electrifying and utterly compelling performance from a band whose delight in the form is matched only by the thrilling nature of the set. Every song, in truth, feels anthemic, from the shrugging-of-influence 'These Animal Meanswear' to the sweet-natured but media-cynical 'Bad Weekend'. In fact, as Eddie jumps up on monitors, there's more than a touch of irony in the latter track's insistence that 'Popular Culture No Longer Applies To Me'. Not least given that Art Brut spend the next five minutes bashing out 20 second snatches of music in response to the chipper vocalist's enquiry as to what various artistic styles sound like, from Van Gogh and the impressionists to pop art. On one hand, then, Art Brut are an act capable of sheer aggressive fizz-pop bad-bang Rock N Roll - final track 'Formed A Band' is as triumphant and uplifting as any track of 2004, by a mile - whilst at the same time playing with perception and culture. Not that they'd necessarily all admit to it, but there's something of depth here that makes them current torch-holders of some twisted, artsy-cultural Zeitgeist whilst concurrently revelling in the immediacy of their half-cut, crayon-scrawled mashmusik. Put simply, it's rough, it's fast, it's exciting, it's a whole lot of fun, and it rocks; whether it is art or not is debatable. Which is, probably, the whole point.

Joe Shooman

Kill the Young press release (2007ish)

 Another one I found whilst looking for something I needed. I forgot about this one, too. Great band, top lads.

This First Bit Is About Football Mostly, But It Says Where The Band Comes From, Which Is Pretty Customary In These Sort Of Cases.

THREE brothers.

From Congleton’s sticky, striking Northern-punkedup-streets.

Brought up – like all good United fans - on a diet of Cantona, Coogan and Cobain. Which just about covers it all.

Kicking around.

Mucking around.

Fucking around.

Playing football.

All the time.

Missing meals.

But mostly:

Missing meals through

Playing instruments.

Put the youngest one on drums and in goal. The oldest up front and up front and on guitar. The middle one holding it together in midfield with bass and box-to-box stolid stamina.

That analogy never really works. Let’s try it again.

This Is A Bit More About Kill The Young, And Has Some Flowery Shit In It.

A statement as fizzy and fractious and energetically confrontationally endearing as the music the band produces. Sometimes. When they’re in Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins mode rather than their Magazine, New Order, QOTSA, Led Zep moments.

If you want to know why they’re called KTY you’ll have to ask them about it.

Because a mosaic is made of different coloured gems and a bassline can boost, bubble and blast with bile as much as a vocal line can soar, sour and scream, and as much as a drummer can drive, or dink one into the top corner.

It’s about the hook, not the look; the power and the passion and the kicking out the jams, motherfuckers. It’s about doing things with melodies that are sexy and fine and relaxed and smooth as a red wine enema when they need to be.

Lead singer Thomas Gorman and bassist Dylan were both named after Dylan Thomas. This is trivia, and we’re not going to talk about it in this press release any more. If names really did have an effect on the way people lived their lives, there would be lots of boys named Sue knocking about. The band like Bob Dylan, by the way. Olly, the drummer, got the band banned from loads of venues in Manchester cause he was underage when the band started. It’s OK now, cause he’s over eighteen and everything. And Manchester has loads of places to play anyway.

Here Are Some Interesting Things That The Band Have Done Recently.

Since being spotted by French label Discograph, the group have added to their fanbase by recently clocking up their 500th gig. In 2006 alone KTY’s roadsmashing schedule totalled 160 live appearances across Europe.

The band have appeared at all the major rock festivals in Europe: both Rock Im Park and Rock Am Ring in headlining of the Alternative Stage at Rock In Rio-Lisbon, Transmusicales of Rennes, Solidays in France, 02 in the UK, Paleo Festival in Switzerland, Les Botaniques in Belgium, The Music In My Head in Holland. That equals over a million people in two months. Better than being on telly, almost.

Kill The Young’s debut album, which is called Kill The Young, was released in May 2006 and to date has sold over 30,000 copies. Most of which are not to family members.

That debut LP was produced by Dimitri Tikovoi (Placebo, Goldfrapp, John Cale, Alpinestars, Marc Almond), mixed by Flood (New Order, Depeche Mode, U2, Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins, PJ Harvey) and mastered by Howie Weinberg (Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Björk).

Things Kill The Young Are Going To Do Soon

The boys’ new album was recorded at the legendary Rockfield Studios, by Dimitri Tikovoi in association with hotfuzz new talent Robert Whiteley, who has worked as live and recorded sound engineer with… well, everyone really. You’d have to ask him, cause he’s done the lot. The new album will be mixed by Jacquire King in America, who got on board immediately after one short listen. He’s mixed loads of people. You’ll have to ask him. But it might include Kings Of Leon, Modest Mouse, Be Your Own Pet, The Features.

This summer the band play in billions of festivals across Europe. Not billions, literally.

But lots of them. The band are touring Europe in the autumn.

And there’s a single coming out, called _______________________

Things That Magazines Have Said About Kill The Young, Which Seem To Sum It All Up, So Maybe On Second Thoughts You Could Read This Bit First Actually.

Everything Idlewild were, and Muse tried to be” – Intro

A fucking good band that actually writes a catchy and memorable chorus!” – The Fly

Indie Rock riffs with immaculate pop vibes” – Rock Midgets

Rampant and eager with twinges of everything from Echo And The Bunnymen to Sonic Youth” – Disorder Magazine

Big Choruses and even bigger riffs leavened with a hefty dose of self-loathing” – The Independent

Bob Hoskins going mental in a dustbin.” – Kill The Young’s MySpace page

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Whisper 3: Transcript

 The latest in an occasional series of whispers. Watch it by clicking here.


I don't want to get too maudlin now,

but it does happen.

I was on social media before and it was about something completely unrelated.



A picture of my brother popped up in a football match 

or something like that 

(I think it was football).

And I just thought:

it's almost unfathomable to think you'll never see...

you'll never see someone again.

you'll never talk to them again.


And some things...


it is an inevitability,

but the reality of it is,


maddeningly confusingly sad 

and frustrating.


if you don't have

a religion or a religious belief,

the worst thing is 

that you have nobody 

to be angry about (at) 

angry to(ward).

I don't know any answers of course

Friday, 26 August 2022

For the hard of thinking

 Public ownership of, let's say, trains, means:

* Profits - if any - go back into the trains system, to make trains better, cheaper, nicer, more frequent, and thus kill the planet less than cars

* Because we own it, collectively, through our taxes, the money stays within the economy instead of going into the pockets of shareholders. We are all shareholders in a public utility, which trains would be. Lots and lots of money goes out of the UK from our train tickets (and bailouts, and tax breaks) into the pockets of... and the irony is... other sovereign states. We are therefore subsidising our continental friends and have achieved internationalist socialism, for them anyway.

Public ownership of, let's say, energy utilities:

* Profits, which there always are, can go into alternative energies: wind, tidal, solar, and whatnot. This would have two main effects:

1. Freeing us from the clutches of the oil/gas bastards

2. Oh yeah, and saving the planet we live on, a little bit.

* Because we'd own it, we'd be well on the way to energy self-sufficiency, and the money we'd therefore pay would not be bound to the planet-killing oil and gas bastards. The only way this could be a bad idea would be if:

1. You are a fucking oil and gas bastard yourself, or your mates are.

Essentially, if that is true then you are a thief who steals lives from poor people and cashes them in to make somebody so insanely rich that money is meaningless.

To paraphrase Stalin, who was a cunt himself: "Being £5 short of the rent is a tragedy. Having £5 billion is a statistic."

Why, and I know this is one of those questions that I keep repeating, but why the fuck would anyone want their country being whipped and kicked around by a few billionaires, a few big companies, a few nation-states who want to keep the Middle East occupied (in every sense)?

What's in it for us?

I suspect the answer is that the word 'us' is one that these regrettable wastes of protoplasm do not, will not understand. 

Ya know what, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's ideological logic traps against it.

Atlas, Mugged

People talk about the banality of evil but it’s the matter-of-factness of grief that gets me. 

That split-second or less of blissful normality between dream and waking, that instant of the universe being back to what it ought to be. 

Dashed again, and again, and again, day after day after day, when reality screams and it hurts from the back of my eyeballs, gazing at the burnt and desiccated ruins of false hope.

Friday, 19 August 2022

AMWAT: The BBC investigated, and then the whole thing finally went to shit

 Not much to be said really. BBC picked up on non-payment of wages and all the rest of it. It was, kinda, half the story. The other half has been detailed elsewhere, but it is the previous owners (on paper) who started the rot. 

This Italian weirdo just took the edifice down. Here's more. It's quite a good little programme, for what it's worth. Sideshow Bob's criminal cousin seems to be quite the chancer. The programme reveals a sort of link to someone who might be linked to the mafia.

One can speculate as to how he got himself into the position of fronting all this, but the fact remains that there is one big question unanswered: why?

Now let me say here that this is a propos of nothing, but there is a lot of money to be made betting on relatively low-key games. A LOT of money to be made, by taking what might not be totally legit cash, and running it through a cash business. But who knows.

It's all finally died. The zombie club has at last given up the lease on Nantporth.

And, as of this month, the club is also facing a strike-off order from Companies House. This means that in two months' time - October, 2022 - Bangor City ceases to officially exist. Of course, it has been a farrago and a lie for several years. Hence 1876. 

As for the football ground, CPD Merched Bangor 1876 have it as their new home stadium, and that's bloody excellent news. The men's team are more circumspect about matters, noting that Treborth can be Tier 2 compliant without too much trouble, which I think is an excellent idea. Treborth is ours. Nantporth, to me, is cursed beyond belief. Maybe if we get Barry Fry involved, that might help.

In 2012 at some stage, I was at a game in Nantporth - visiting from my base abroad at that time - and I got roped into doing Radio Bangor, which was always bloody ace and kept me and various other Bangor expats informed and entertained and bemused with bizarre and occasionally searing commentary. The host asked me what I thought of the new ground.

I said, "Well, it's tidy and new, and it's the future." Even then, I wasn't convincing myself. Farrar Road was such a wonderful place. A proper ground. Crumbling under the weight of a million dreams and sixty thousand dodgy offsides. Lots, and lots, and lots, of swearing. Anyone who ever went there can still smell the honking stench of the men's 'urinal' - an open-air, brick building with guttering to aim at, whilst you stuck your elbows out lest your 'mate' push you forward and into the micturations.

But it was ours. City centre, a hop and a sip from several excellent pubs, and a stagger to the station round the corner. Farrar Road won us games. Won us leagues and cups. When it went, something broke. And the long, slow death was under way. We just didn't recognise it. But it was written in the breeze blocks that replaced the twisting, buckling wooden stands. The farts of countless arses, expelled in disgust at recalcitrant referees. All gone, like piss in the rain.

Nantporth - well - as soon as that 30k of People's Terrace money had to go instead to keeping the club afloat, we lost any chance of it being the new Farrar Road. Perhaps it never will be. The team's never played there. 1876, that is. Maybe we never will. Unless, perhaps, one day we get to Europe. 

Treborth - that's ours. Ours and the university's. A proper partnership that seems to be flourishing. Students play for us too. It's symbiotic. And, beautifully, behind one of the goals - and across an access road - there's a sharp-rising hill. On there have appeared three wooden crush barriers. A path leads up. It is, by anyone's standards, rudimentary. But it is, and could be, our kop. Currently it holds about 20 at a squeeze. Perched up top, a nest of moiderers, the beginnings of a new dream.

The J word rears its head here: journey. From that first 12-1 hammering at FC United, where we bonded again over taking back our past and safeguarding the future, in a fug of boozy magic and sheer visceral belonging, we have been on that J-word. 

We started in Tier 5. Won that. Got to Tier 4. Came second. Got invited to fill a sudden space at Tier 3. 

That the zombie club, the racist comedians, the stealing of artefacts, the sacking of groundsmen, the sacking of managers, the dodgy books and the failed licenses, that they had withdrawn from the system - opening up a place - is one of the most beautiful ironies you ever will see.

Administrations go bust and start again. Chairmen come and go. Players move on to better or worse things, eventually retiring through age or injury. Stadiums - grounds - are demolished to build hideous, chucked-up-swiftly supermarkets. But one thing prevails. There's one thing left once everything else has fled, has flown, has tainted the world with its hideousness. Once all the horror has seeped into the wider conversation, causing consternation and vile deeds; once all those emotions have left the (directors') box, what is left is this:


And it is in hope and belief and belonging and community that we sing together, the ancient battle-cry:

Shoes off if you love Bangor

Shoes off if you love Bangor

Shoes off if you love Bangor

Shoes off if you love Bangor

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Corporeal complaints

These scabs, these pains, these cracks and strains,

Corporeal complaints

remind me that I’m still alive

and lots of people ain’t

Sometimes I fantasise that I

was one that left the stage,

Flew off this planet quietly

and handed in my badge.

But that don’t cut it. Cause I wake

come day come day come day.

A guilty litany of aches

can't whiskey me away.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Ancient curry recipe


Get rice on (with saffron in pan)

Combine 2tbsp curry paste with coconut milk & 1tbsp fish oil

Slice lemongrass & slap in

(Slice garlic & slap in

Slice ginger & slap in)

Slice coriander & slap that in too

Lob in shrimp

Slice chilli, spring onion and lob them in last minute

Sprinkle with shredded curry leaves


Bring: Garlic & Basil

Fish sauce (nam pla): The most essential cooking ingredient for Thai food is perhaps fish sauce. This is Thailand's equivalent to soy sauce or table salt. Uncooked it has an unpleasant smell, but it adds a subtle flavor, for which there is no substitute. Small anchovy fish are fermented and the resulting liquid is strained and bottled.

Add a bit more fish sauce at the end of cooking to adjust to taste and cook a minute longer. This is perhaps the most important ingredient in Thai cooking, so give it a chance by all means. The key to appreciating it is to buy only the best quality fish sauce available. Look for clear amber colored liquid with no sediment.

Another from the archives... Order magazine editorial (2004)

Order was a mini-mag that had listings in it for gigs at Barfly venues. Each one, briefly and gloriously, had its own copy. I was the editor for the Liverpool one and I loved it. It ran for maybe 12 issues before some prick called Martin decided he wanted one sheet with just the names of bands and prices on it. Prick. Anyway when I was looking for an ancient book contract today I found this instead. God, it was fucking fun as fuck. Great days, mate. Great days. 

The ‘ORDER’ project

Four Eyes Only

Internal MI9 report, April / May 2004

Name: Rev. Shoo

Rank: Yes

Place Of Birth: Cockermouth

Claimed Age: 22

Actual Age: 45+

Distinguishing Features: Daft twat

Gig attendance: 87%

Concert recommendation skills: 100%

Musical knowledge: Minimal to shoddy

Recommended interaction: Ignore wherever possible. In event of unavoidable contact offer beer and look around for nearest exit

Summary: Pissant

Overview of contents:

This internal document gives possible placement information for April / May activities of the individual above (and any known associates), to be found lurching incoherently in dark and demeaned corners of the following MI9 cover events, all taking place within the building known as THE BARFLY, THE MASQUE, 90 SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL, L1 4BH.

Set up so far by and for musical agents to create an atmosphere of imagination, sweat, beauty and magic in order to lull the subject into a sense of false security are the following club and live-based events: Resurrection; Chibuku; Icon; Newstyle (with Shaun Ryder); Funkadelic vs Freak; Circus; The Blueprints; Friday Skive; Disted Twisco; Urban Delights; Slide; Koo Koo; Dead Monkey; T-Funkshun; Honey I Shrunk The Kit; Northern Lights; Animal Orchestra; B*Movie Heroes; glasswerk; The Dandelions; Lone Pigeon; Vortex; Maximum Exposure; Inner City Sumo; Paddy Casey; Future Kings Of Spain; Jetplane Landing; Monterey Jack; Crimson Rise; Gonga; Lucky Thirteen and others.

Fuller details on all MI9 events so far organised are detailed herein, to be perused and digested as quickly as is feasible. It is a strong recommendation that suitable concerts and events be marked in the RED DIARY for immediate schedule organisation. Communication via the Internet is possible at and updates of all MI9 organised activities shall be placed therein at apposite intervals. It is advised that mobile phones may be utilised in order to spread information regarding said events to agents, undercover and de-closetted alike. MI9 / Barfly staff can be contacted on the emergency number 0151 707 6171 for instant update on MI9-organised cover events.

ORDER: Shoo on sight

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

OHM Press Release (2003)

 I don't remember this band but I found this press release from 2003 on Spank Press. So clearly we were working with them at the time. Equally clearly, I'd been at the empathy sweets around this time, such is the overwritten nature of the prose. But I like it. 


Unabashed and unafraid of songwriting with soul; where music means love and hate and longing and loathing and life and liberty; where White Rabbits keep watch, scurrying back and forth in a haze of immaculate Independence and searching only for the portal through which to communicate with honesty; thus eviscerating those fraudulent manipulators who would have you believe that pop is a crime.

Ω = Resistance

Resistance to the frumious despicable gurn of manufactured, masturbatory flappers and slappers driven through TV to cackle and dull naked musical synapses. An insidious real-life worm in the blackened hearts of those who are convinced that the way to truly heal the world is by smothering creativity in a blanket of homogeny.

Ω = Mark. Max. Randall. Phillip. Adam.

A five piece falcon; a blossom of beloved tunesmithery; pristine performers; perfect programmers; prophets of passion over passivity; the grit in the oyster that becomes a pearl? The crown of quality their only concession to the subservient Industry that would presume to punish people who dare to delight in song; a kick against the pricks who seek to demote intelligence to scrabbling for scraps within the mulch of the murdered and broken-backed multitude.

With tours of Germany and the UK allied to a conviction that music and life are conjoined; with an Internet portal where enmity evaporates in the relentless redemption of the sharing of ideas, ideals; giving context to content; where the fluidity of visceral vision is the only law; with dignity the gateway to an ever-changing truth. Saviours of pop? Haven’t you got it yet?

Free ideas - no refunds

 Short story ideas

From December 2013

    1. A man buys a very cheap 56 inch TV from his mate. It works perfectly, until one day idly surfing he notices that channel 56 is locked. However, gradually this non-access to that channel does his head in. He goes online and looks for any help – there is none. He eventually manages to do a factory re-set. Channel 56 is revealed. It is his own conscience.

    2. “At the end, he spurted out seemingly unconnected phrases which I recorded in a last desperate grasp to try and understand him. Only now am I realizing, in fits and starts, in different languages, metaphors and nibbles, in spurts and tangents, that it is his life story….”

    3. I am the keeper of the bridge. Britannia is ruined and Menai Bridge is destroyed. 100,000 people live in high rise hell, a Hong Kong-esque post-nuclear-like hinterland. A new, Krokodil-type drug is eating the inhabitants from within. Walls surround Bangor; there is a no-fly zone over Anglesey due to a terrible nuclear accident. Half the island is under water. Bangor is cut off and quarantined. Actually this is a bit like The Book of Dave isn’t it. Balls.

    4. A commune which people think is a weirdo/hippy hotel. A girl is sent there by desperate skint parents (single dad?). There is a high street, with shops but everything is free. People start trying to get in through two sets of doors. There are panthers amongst the cats.

    5. The Bangor smugglers’ tunnels under Waterloo and Paddy’s.

    6. A man finds out his friends are dying. He can save them if he swaps them with already-dying elderly Africans.  So he does.  But then his friends’ friends and families catch the same disease. Still the elderly can cover. But then they start to run out. He has to use other countries’ weak and ill. Then whole countries; then the UK elderly, ill, other religions. Then adults; then kids; then all who are left are him and women he has to impregnate. Ones who are prepared to let him. But that doesn’t work either; he tells them to kill him and use his seed to clone him back to life. Kill him again and again til the world is replenished. He says he is prepared to die for their sins.

    7. There is one copy of a 3D reality computer game (sort of like Doom) which changes players into solid avatars. It is passed around at random and is immune to copying. The game requires only participants and a venue. A man gets hold of the game but is mugged. He has to track down the game party to a deserted warehouse. He tries to hack into the game but is not successful. Eventually he manages to force a shut down. On the walk home he thinks he sees a giant TV screen with one flickering corner that seems to be showing part of the game, which has spread onto the network due to his trying to hack it. The virus will turn the whole world into a giant game. But did he see it?

    8. Everyone fancies that girl but it’s a boy and it is the narrator.

    9. The world is paused. A team goes back in time to Bangor as it was. Different shops etc. Really fascinating. Tiny bugs – nanobots but a size that you can see – sort something out to snap reality back into place. The traffic jams come back and the airport reopens.

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Working Class Tory

 Listen by clicking here (demo)

They live in their mansions and pay for their school

They’re told that their destiny is that they're born to rule

That the poor all deserve it cause the poor are fools

They tell you that sharing is good when you’re small

But when you grow up they will grasp for it all

Til you’re so disillusioned you’ve killed off your soul

A working class Tory is poison to me

Once in a while one will fluke a success

And reach for the heights to look down on the rest

Then pull up the ladder and laugh at the plebs

They say ‘we’re full up, we can’t take any more’

Call people ‘illegal’ and ‘rapists’ and more

These comforting lies are just par for the course

They bleat when they’re pulled up for their hateful words

Claim free speech is dead and that 'woke' is a slur

Without understanding how consequence works

They say poor old Boris is doing his best

That rich men deserve their financial success

That one politician’s the same as the rest

A working class Tory is poison to me

Elections are lost cause of a photograph

Of a badly-chewed bacon sandwich in the caff

And a mock-up of a good man that looks Stalinesque

Sunk cost is a killer, psychosis writ large

“We’ve always been Tories and that’s who we are”

But do you suck off the scrotes who are stealing your car?

This isn’t inevitable: it’s a crock

We’re told we’ve no power, but we’ve got the lot

We can make it better. We can stop the rot.

No man is an island, no man’s a lost cause.

The world is unique; there’s room for us all

We can work together – if that’s what we want.

If you vote for a Tory then how do you sleep

If you vote for a Tory then how do you sleep

A working class Tory is sickening me

A working class Tory's a traitor, you see