Buy me a coffee

Monday, 6 March 2017


1. We have nothing. We are frustrated. Nobody listens to us.

2. It is not your fault.

1. Ah. That's good to know. So whose fault is it?

2. Theirs.

1. Theirs? Not yours?

2. No, don't be silly. How could you even think of asking that? It's Theirs. Look at them. They look different. They speak differently. Look at them. They are the ones. They did it all.

1. Did what, exactly?

2. It. It was them, it will be them and it always has been them. The future is at risk.

1. Yes. I see it. They must not come in.

2. Yes because They want/want to destroy what is Ours.

1. Yes. Yes! Stop them! How can we stop them?

2. You need to vote out. Then They can't tell you what to do any more.

1. Yes! Yes! Out! Out! Democracy!

2. Yes.

1. Are you absolutely sure it's not just, you know, a little bit, sort of, your fault?

2. No, don't be silly. How could you even think of asking that? It's Theirs. Look at them. They look different. They speak differently. Look at them. They are the ones. They did it all. You voted out. Democracy! They want/want to destroy what is Ours.

1. Yes! Out means out! Ours is ours! They want/want to destroy what is Ours! They want to take our jobs/cheat our benefits system! Out! Out! Out!

2. That's it. Democracy! The people have spoken.

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