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Thursday, 21 March 2019

A Man Without A Team: A Man With Another Team, Technically

Here's what's been happening recently:

* Message boards have been infested with aggressive idiots demanding that people are judged now on what they were led to believe two years ago

* Same idiots are spreading rumours and disinformation about previous regimes

* The supporters' association has announced another EGM, with a view to asking whether they ought to a) stay as an independentish entity from BCFC as it is, or b) look into starting another club from scratch

* The same wrongheaded nonsense about 'how will you fund it'/'your six quid is a drop in the ocean to the regime, so your boycott is of no value'/'you are all sat in bedsits wanking off' is being perpetuated. I assume that the same Twitter handle that I swiftly blocked is still doing the same. I'm too tired of this shit to really check.

So, as well as not engaging in social media spats I think I might well stop posting entirely. What's the point? There is no actual debate to be had when people have already made up their minds. Based on lies, based on 'opinions' and based on fuck all aside from ego-tripping arseholery.

Now then. I assume that previous paragraph could be invoked by regime supporters, too. They would of course be entirely wrong to do so: the facts are obvious for all to see, including this from the auditors.

What happens from this point onward is fairly moot. But the underlying cause of all the problems is this:

* The incoming regime, three years ago or whatever, only needed to keep SVS out of the picture and also ensure that the books were signed off by accountants. That is literally the two things they needed to do, bottom line, even if SVJ did become involved as a director of football. He is actually quite good at that. 

Hypothetically, if they had had the wit about them to ensure the books were (or even appeared to be) squeaky-clean, then Bangor City would not have been relegated, but been in Europe with an excellent chance of getting through at least one round with that excellent team they had. That would be about 500k and upwards coming back into the coffers, clean as you like, and available to pay back loans and/or perpetuate the success.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not realise this?

Well, all that shit is just an old argument anyway. Fuck it all, fuck them all to hell.

It was a revelation to me this week when I remembered that, technically, though born in Bangor I spent my first year and a bit living in Bethesda. So, really, I have a hometown side that I can turn to if needs be. I like Pesda a lot. It's grey and slatey and purple and pisses it down, of course, but there's a fucking ace cafe there and the footy ground always looked pretty to me

It could be a new Farrar Road, really. 

Well, so be it. I couldn't do it anyway. It's not really my team, my club, my heart. I think you only really get one of those per lifetime. Over to John Lennon.


Friday, 15 March 2019

AMWAT: New media magnificence

Well, that was fun. A new 'supporter' under a pseudonym popped up recently on ye olde Twatter. This person appeared not long after the club appointed a new press officer. And his feed hit 'like' on every official story, and retweeted anything positive about the club like old match reports from years gone by.

A good way, a genius thinks, to get in with the fanbase. Be one! Like what they like!
I mean, it's hardly social media (advanced level) stuff is it. But kinda harmless enough.
As are posts that say things like, "Time to pull together and support the lads", which is pretty brainless given everything that's gone on, but again at best naive and asking for a slapback.

Anyway one of the comrades put a jokey post up, offering odds on who this daft sausage really was. I reckoned it was the new bloke. So he had a pop back, getting nastier and nastier and actually homophobic quite quickly.

So within about three minutes of me even noticing him - it has to be a bloke, from the style of blunt-nosed idiocy - I blocked him. Daft twat.

I mean. It might well be someone else. I think there's one other strong candidate and that is someone who for some strange reason has got into bed with the regime of their own accord, despite their protestations that they're neutral.

But it is a coincidence, and a funny few minutes in an ever-more-sordid and desperate situation.

Jings, what have we become?


A click
And it engages
First the media baits
Then the gun blasts
Then the media baits
Cause it enrages
For clicks

I can't

A thousand words glistening just out of reach
If I could have tamed them then maybe my life would be different
But I didn’t
Now I can’t
And I can’t
Cause I didn’t

If I’d have known then what would happen to you
I would have stayed longer and had one more smoky malt whisky
But I didn’t
Now I can’t
And I can’t
Cause you’re gone

If I could pause everything just for a moment
Gleam silver wonders and rest all the sad times on feathers
I would do it
But I can’t
But who can
No-one can

The future’s a liar. The past slits your throat.
The present’s illusion. The trick is to try and believe it
And I’m trying
Boy, I'm trying
Cause I can
Do no more.

Monday, 4 March 2019

AMWAT: An actual EGM

So things are moving now. It feels like there's a plan. The BCFCSA had a very fruitful and progressive EGM and the minutes are here.

Events on the pitch are largely irrelevant; there's no guarantee the club would get a Tier 2 licence now. This is ludicrous given how good Nantporth was a couple of years ago: custom-built, hosting Under-21 games on one of the best pitches in the country.

Well. Now it has a sign up saying 'dangerous site' or similar. It's enough to make you laugh really.

As are the unwise Twitter arguments I still somehow get in, where there are people saying things like "now more than ever we need to get behind the club" and basically accusing anyone who isn't eating the regime's ass, of being fairweather supporters. Well, fuck that. 35 years or so and many, many financial crises and collections and sponsorships and newspaper columns and... well. It's crass isn't it to shout about this stuff.

Equally, I'm not fucking having it. This is a dead club. It has ceased to be.

There used to be a bar in Liverpool when I was living there called Norwegian Blue. It was shit and now it's closed down anyway.

Everything's fucked isn't it. I have no team. The country is in a worse state than ever before and paralysed by division and unnecessary fucking nonsense. The environment is spinning out of control. What a bunch of cock it all is.

But hey ho, what can you do? Apart from take legal advice, and incorporate, and work with Supporters' Direct, and look to the future.

And stop trying to change the minds of regime gimps. It's impossible. Collaborators one and all, and on the wrong side of history. La historia no absolveran, lo siento folks.

5PM UPDATE: SVJ is back, as chairman. No doubt he knows his footy and has an eye for a player, but this is entirely different.

Here is a worrying quote: "VSM will remain the Clubs major creditor and continue to be the PSC."

Here are some acronyms I found for PSC. I think it means they are going to be the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, which is great - Nantporth will become a transcontinental hub for tetraflop-speed computers, feeding the Pennsylvanian city.

Can't wait.

PSCPublic Service Commission
PSCPrinter Scanner Copier (Hewlett-Packard)
PSCProduction Sharing Contract
PSCPolice Service Commission (various locations)
PSCPersons with Significant Control (UK)
PSCProduct Safety Committee (various organizations)
PSCProgram Support Center (US DHHS)
PSCPermanent Split Capacitor (electric motor)
PSCPartit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC-PSOE)
PSCProfessional Standards Commission
PSCProfessional Services Council
PSCPhilippine Sports Commission
PSCPort State Control
PSCPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis (liver disease)
PSCProgress Software Corporation (Bedford, MA)
PSCPrint, Scan, Copy
PSCPittsburgh Supercomputing Center
PSCPeace and Security Council (African Union)
PSCPsychological Services Center
PSCPopulation Studies Center (University of Michigan)
PSCProduct and Service Code
PSCPrimary Stroke Center (various locations)
PSCPublic Safety Canada
PSCPrivate Security Company
PSCPartido Social Cristiano (Social Christian Party)
PSCConservative Party (Colombia)
PSCProject Steering Committee
PSCPersonal, Social and Community (various organizations)
PSCPotential Source of Contamination
PSCParallel to Serial Converter
PSCPrinter Scanner Copier
PSCPoint Source Catalog
PSCPlatform Support Center
PSCPhilips Sound Card
PSCPeugeot Style Centre
PSCPayload Service Class
PSCPrint Server Command
PSCPicture Start Code
PSCPhb Scheduling Class
PSCPrimary Site Controller
PSCPersonal Super Computer
PSCPortable Storage Control
PSCPort Sense Control
PSCPlant Science Center (various locations)
PSCPeru State College (Peru, Nebraska, USA)
PSCPostsynaptic Current (biology)
PSCProspective Short Circuit
PSCProgrammable Security Code (software)
PSCPolitical and Security Committee (EU)
PSCPersonal Services Contract
PSCPersonnel Service Center
PSCPeter Symonds College (UK)
PSCPublic Sector Comparator
PSCPersonal Service Corporation
PSCPolar Stratospheric Clouds
PSCProtein Sciences Corporation (Meriden, CT)
PSCProject Safe Childhood (US Department of Justice)
PSCProgram Safeguard Contractor (US Medicare)
PSCPartido Social Cristão (Social Christian Party - Brazil)
PSCPresidential Search Committee (various universities)
PSCPaul Smith's College (New York)
PSCPlymouth State College (Plymouth, NH)
PSCPeer Support Centre (various locations)
PSCParti Social Chretien (Belgian political party)
PSCPacific Science Center (Seattle, Washington)
PSCPrivate Security Contractor
PSCPacific Salmon Commission
PSCPublic Sector Committee
PSCProfessional Services Contract
PSCProcess Sensors Corporation (various locations)
PSCPastor Search Committee
PSCPublishing Software Company (UK)
PSCPiano di Sicurezza e Coordinamento (Italian safety legislation)
PSCPublic Service Content
PSCProgram Service Center (Social Security Administration)
PSCPower Sales Contract
PSCPolar Science Center
PSCPlanned Shopping Center
PSCPassenger Service Charge (airline industry charge)
PSCPrincipal Subordinate Command (US DoD)
PSCPoint Source Catalogue
PSCPosterior Subcapsular Cataract
PSCProfessional Service Corporation
PSCPre-Stressed Concrete (construction)
PSCPlanning Sub-Committee (various organizations)
PSCPostal Service Center
PSCProgram Steering Committee
PSCPlanning Section Chief
PSCPublic Sector Company
PSCPhilip Services Corporation (Houston, TX)
PSCProficiency in Survival Craft
PSCPortland Symphonic Choir (Portland, OR)
PSCPro Sports Club (various locations)
PSCPassed Staff Course (various locations)
PSCParkes Shire Council (Australia)
PSCPort Security Company (US DoD)
PSCPrivate Sector Care
PSCProduct Safety Council (consumer protection)
PSCPlanning Steering Committee (various organizations)
PSCPagos Spreadsheet Component (software)
PSCPlastic Surgery Clinic
PSCPrague Stringology Conference
PSCPolitical Science Club
PSCPastoral Stewardship Council (various organizations)
PSCProduct Service Center
PSCPersonal Security Code
PSCPersonnel Sub-Committee (various organizations)
PSCPneumatic System Controller (aviation)
PSCPrivate Sector Council
PSCPrimary Scrambling Code (cellular signal)
PSCPimp Squad Click (band)
PSCProduct Support Coordinator
PSCPersonnel Service Company
PSCPhoenix Sports Center (Phoenix, AZ)
PSCPacific Southwest Container (Modesto, CA)
PSCPortable Speaker Case
PSCSocial Center Party (Morocco)
PSCParallel-to-Serial Converter
PSCPower Systems Conference
PSCPhiladelphia Service Center
PSCPortland Stage Company (Maine, USA)
PSCPortrait Society of Canada (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
PSCPremier Service Certified (real estate)
PSCProgram Scientific Committee (conferences)
PSCPartnership Solution Center (IBM)
PSCPotomac Speleological Club (Washington, DC)
PSCPortable Single Camera
PSCPhiladelphia Soccer Club
PSCPacific Security Capital (Beaverton, OR)
PSCPersonal Service Center
PSCPassed Staff College
PSCProject Subcommittee
PSCPassive Star Coupler (communications networks)
PSCParallel Sampling Condition
PSCPenang Shipbuilding and Construction (Malaysia)
PSCProgram Site Coordinator (EPA)
PSCPalm School Choir (Texas)
PSCProgram Support Communications
PSCPearland Shooting Club (Pearland, TX)
PSCPentagon Ski Club (Washington, DC)
PSCProtection Switching Count (SONET)
PSCPerformance Seeking Control
PSCPlaystation Compact (camera)
PSCPrimary Synchronisation Code (UMTS)
PSCPower-Spectrum Condition
PSCPara Seu Conhecimento (Portuguese: for your information)
PSCPlatelet Shape Change
PSCPacket Switching Capability
PSCPreservation Society of Charleston (South Carolina, USA)
PSCPremium Synthetic Crude Oil
PSCProducts and Services Committee (Cooperative Action by Victorian Academic Libraries; Australia)
PSCPrivatization Support Contractor
PSCPort Security Committee
PSCPortable Satellite Communications
PSCParalegal Society of Canada
PSCPrint Server Control
PSCPasco, Washington - Tri Cities (airport code)
PSCPlymouth Swim Club
PSCPediatric Specialty Center
PSCprimary synovial chondromatosis
PSCPostal Service Commission (UK)
PSCPesquisa de Satisfação de Clientes
PSCPersonal Safeguard Companion (Chapman Technologies)
PSCPrimary Command-and-Control Single-Channel
PSCPharmacy Student Council (various universities)
PSCPacific Science Council
PSCPowerloom Service Centre (India)
PSCPacketStorm Communications, Inc.
PSCPacket Switching Cluster
PSCProcurement Source Code
PSCPharmacy Service Center
PSCPre-Selected Campaign
PSCPlatform Support System
PSCPrinter Spacing Chart
PSCChief Port Security Specialist (USCG rating)
PSCProtection Switching Circuit
PSCPrice Signal Code
PSCPure Savage Conspiracy (Quake 2 gaming clan)
PSCPower Steering Component (vehicles)
PSCProduction Surveillance Category
PSCPathology Study Center
PSCPer Ship's Compass (nautical navigation)
PSCProduction Schedule Completion
PSCPre Selection Course
PSCPrivate Supplier Catalog
PSCPublication Status Code
PSCPhysical Security Code
PSCParameter Set Concept
PSCPersonnel Service Commission
PSCPrinciple Support Commands
PSCProgrammable Sort Controller
PSCProject Status Control
PSCPacking Service Contract
PSCPreferred System Concept (US DoD acquisitions)
PSCParallel Synchronous Communications
PSCPurchase Selection Criteria
PSCPrefix Synchronizable Code
PSCProxy Signaling Client
PSCPower Source Council
PSCParabolic Scattering Cluster
PSCProbe Steering Committee
PSCPrime Support Contractor
PSCPremises Splice Cabinet
PSCPrefetch Sent Counter (computing)
PSCProvisioning Schedule Code
PSCProtection Switch Completion (Nortel)
PSCPsè PoÅ¡tovní Smìrovací ÃˆÃ­slo (Czech: Post Identification Number)
PSCPost-Static Firing Checkout (NASA)
PSCProgramme des Spécialistes Canadiens (Canadian Specialists Program)
PSCProgramme Sectoriel Centralisé (French: Centralized Sector Program; Algeria)