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Sunday 11 November 2018

AMWAT: Recap

* U19s are losing players everywhere - and losing matches too

* the former groundsman is said to be looking at legal action to get his wages. He had been groundsman for 25 years.

* there is someone who is banned from football, involved in the club in several ways. And shouting at everyone else.

* the BCFCSA, which had gone dormant, is now reactivating itself. A meeting is scheduled. This is sensible, ahead of a crucial AGM vote re. transfer of loans into shares.

* crowds continue to fall to half of last season's average, and probably an eighth of what a successful and honest team on the pitch would attract

Since I started writing what's more or less a personal diary of this season, I've lost all faith in football. I've lost 35 years of support and love and frustration and the occasional triumph. I've lost the possibility of heading to weird little places and meeting people I've not seen for months or years, and having a jar with them like it'd been only a couple of hours.

I've written less poetry, less prose, fewer words. It feels I am a bit blocked-up by this bullshit. I'm entirely less motivated by anything now. Just... whatever. Treading water.


The meeting of the BCFCSA and what might come of that is a spark that might relight the flame. I am sick of being downbeat and lost and holed.

Course, you could say that the old club was lost a couple of years back when this path was taken, for whatever reason. Course, you could say we'd be in Cymru Alliance now anyway, skint and struggling. But ya know. It'd've been relatively honestly done, at least. I think most of us - a lot of us anyway - are ready for the edifice to fall.

What was it that Malcolm McLaren used to say? Believe in the ruins?

Mind you, one of his other slogans was Cash from Chaos wasn't it. Which is kinda where we came in.

In years to come we'll know Who Killed Bambi.

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