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Thursday, 7 July 2016

Meanwhile, below the line...

Why oh Why! will people not except that the people of Britain have spoken, Stop meddling The electorate have the final say not the PM or the government. Finally a voice of reason. Well done that man. The greatest barefaced con of all [for which the r o man b rigade got up to their old tricks by networking to control/influence media outlets other than this one] was to deny UK s most glorious yrs were after Henry VIII' s earlier G reat Escape! Blind faith in a cynical, anti biblical continental mind control outfit was their undemocratic unifying factor. Where in yr face adverts are concerned: esp the con of gambling: which also uses up our print ink, their intrusiveness reminds me of EU r o m an arrogance.

? Orwell got it right, to slightly misquote animal farm, where some are more equal than the rest of us!! He was referring to communism but works here too. oh dear a disgruntled and no doubt over paid EU employee who may loose their job when we leave, perhaps she can see the demise coming and her gravy train derailing  SEND HIM THE BILL FOR THE COST TO DO THIS ...and put all the immigrants livingin his house with his daughters.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it remainers and if you still want in, move to Europe. TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU...JUST HAVE TO SAY WE ARE OUT...ARTICLE 50 IS JUST TO GAIN TIME TO TRY TO WORK THINGS OUT,,,FOR TO STAY UNDER THE EUSSR ...

It seems that my posts are being blocked…  the powers that be want us in AT ANY COST to the ordinary man and woman. They want their gravy train to continue with their private clubs, shops and education for their kids, while we continue in servitude to them. the Government had rigged the postal vote also NON British people had voted to remain. No check on nationality on registering to vote or when actually voting was carried out. Any body with an address was allowed to vote Basically said ALL BRITISH PEOPLE ARE STUPID!

They are desperate to hang on to our wealth, without which the E.U. is doomed. They are practically pleading for our money now. Thank God we are out! I think that there is an old offence about attempting or conspiring to "subvert" or "suborn" Parliament--I think that the punishment is hanging, drawing and quartering. Seems to me that the only thing MP's might understand in a knock on the door in the middle of the night during an English version of the French revolution.
Take away his passport and leave him out there , he doesn't deserve to live in a democratic country.

Stuff you pal and your eu We won now accept it !!
Stuff you pal and your eu We won now accept it !!
Stuff you pal and your eu We won now accept it !!
Stuff you pal and your eu We won now accept it !!

HOW DARE SOME STUFFED SUITE PRESUME WE ARE UNINTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR US. I strongly suggest that they make a list of 2 million individual reasons to stay. Thats the margain that voted out and we will remember

Trying to influence a Democratic vote is shocking, scandalous, but predictable. Bring back Public Hangings !!!.......................
This is disgraceful!
This is disgraceful!
This is disgraceful!
This is disgraceful!
This is disgraceful!
Quelle surprise! The rigging went wrong.

Itomorrow we had a referendum on the death penalty we probably see support for Think on EU numpties, your UK CASH COW is going to explode if you don't stop meddling! Unpaid leave- unemployed. Self funded chinese- self taught by rostetta stone.

I think I dated this guy..

Only if they want civil disobedience and to lose their seats at the next election if they ignore the will of the people! The EU is a cr*p party anyway. Long since time to leave and head on home. anti-Bexit, anti-democratic! These people have the brains of jelly fish!! These people who try to over turn, the will off the people, and try reverse britexit, should be arrested and charged with high treason, men died in two world wars to keep this country free, they are traitors to every one off them. EU telling us what to do again. It's time to leave the EU's version of the Titanic.42 years of this BS needs to be put into perspective. Our BRITISH freedom and rights were hard fought for over many centuries. We always knew they would make life difficult for the UK, whether we even stayed, or whether we even left. Better to make it on our own then, and wave a copy of the Magna Carta at them! King John at Runnymede is a higher authority than they in LALA- Euro-utopia-land of slaves!
why do thay hate democracy so much ?

I the isolated hate episodes towards immigrants are going to be small beer to the foreseeable reaction on the streets by the BREXITERS if the Government Ministers ignore their vote. Typical of the EUSSR. This is typical of the EUSSR people not understanding the dislike we have for the EUSSR. WE THE BRITISH PUBLIC ARE FED UP OF THE EUSSR MEDDLING IN OUR INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Let me make it clear WE WANT OUT FROM YOUR GRUBBY LITTLE KITS. GOT IT!!!!!!

We are a country in our own right and will not be dictated to by these tin pot EU MPs This will end up in anger on the streets if they are not careful. The E.U is rapidly becoming like China. Yes you can have some economic freedoms so long as business is not disrupted. Yes you can have elections providing you vote for any political entity that is in favour of the E.U. But should you be disrespectful and not go with the status quo then you will need to vote and vote again until you give the right answer. The E.U democratic? its totalitarian state masquerading as a democracy that is trying to protect its own self interests and its political clique that thrive on nepotism and a merry go round of jobs with gold plated pensions.

it is clear that brexit was never an option and the men in dark suits and the House of Lords are now operating to scupper the will of the people. We will never be allowed to leave the EU we have been stitched up like a kipper. I voted LEAVE Has this person been living on this planet over the last two decades? because from where I'm sitting the decisions of the European Union have NOT looked too Clever either. In their dreams! We our out!.. No ifs no buts, simple as and we are taking our money with us!...

The deal is done, so shut up.
The deal is done, so shut up.
The deal is done, so shut up.
The deal is done, so shut up.
The deal is done, so shut up.

This type of action is the MAIN REASON why you should separate from EU non-entity interfering with British democracy......what part of the winning vote in a National Referenda BREXIT don't they understand ? out for QUISLING MP's and civil service Humphrey's !

Just get on with it.

They woke up to a nightmare. If they had stopped the crazy free movement idea there may have been no Brexit, so it over and out If they do this theres going to be riots that made the london riots look small They wonder why we want to leave? The arrogance of the clowns in Brussels, knows no bounds.. EU is lost without UK...and becoming more desperate by the minute...#Scum

Still the little muppets of Brussels are trying to dictate what we do and how we do it. The EU doesn't want to loose its milk cow! How dare all these sycophantic democracy bashing heinous groups, do they realise if the vote is ignored there will be massive consequences for all parties and the country. Who does this PPRRIICCKK think he is?

We really don't care what somebody in Belgium thinks, thanks all the same.

another bitter remainic. Is that the typical E. U, attitude, to hell with the people, we know better? Democracy only applies if you vote for what our owners want us to vote for. ConDemLab are all CONTROLLED by the same forces, so we can pick among them and brag to yourself that youve contributed, but this exercise should make it clear that democracy, just like our geopolitical virtue, we think it exists, but we're just mugs like those we look down on. f the wish of this letter is upheld all of the millions of brave souls who died to keep us from this type of interference died for nothing. Keep out of it.

The EU is starting to seem more and more like Hotel California!
The EU is starting to seem more and more like Hotel California!
The EU is starting to seem more and more like Hotel California!
Tarring and feathering needs a come back


Below the Line Poetry takes online article comments as its source material; they are formatted and re-edited to create a poem.

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